Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Adolf Hitler

Proof That Hitler Had an Illegetimate Son?
New evidence has emerged to support the controversial claim that Hitler had a son with a French teenager, the French magazine LePoint reported on Friday.
The man, Jean-Marie Loret, claimed to be the Fuhrer’s son in 1981, when he published an autobiography called “Your Father’s Name Was Hitler.” He died four years later aged 67, not being able to prove his family line.
But Loret’s Paris lawyer, François Gibault, told the French magazine that a number of photographs and documents can now support the claim.
He also revealed how Loret got to know about his parentage.
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Image: Hitler with a daughter of Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, 1933 (killed by her parents the day they both committed suicide). Credit: Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive)/Wikimedia Commons.